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California Low-T Lawyer

Please note: Bisnar Chase is no longer taking Low-T cases and would refer you to to find a qualified Low-T Attorney. This page is for informational purposes only.

What is Your Case Worth?

The value of your case will depend on a number of factors including the nature of the harm done by the testosterone product, the severity of the damage and the financial impact you have suffered as a result of such harm. Here are some of the factors that are usually taken into consideration while evaluating your testosterone therapy case:

  • The medical expenses incurred as a result of the injury.
  • The effect the injury on the physical and emotional health of the plaintiff.
  • The physical pain and suffering endured by the plaintiff.
  • Any future treatment costs caused by the testosterone use.
  • Lost wages or loss of earning capacity.
  • If the victim has passed away, the losses sustained by the surviving family members such as loss of love, care and companionship.

Low-T Therapy Treatment Dangers

Testosterone replacement therapy is used to treat men who have low levels of the male hormone, testosterone. This is a hormone that naturally occurs in the body. Low testosterone can cause symptoms such as depression, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, decreased muscle mass and difficulty concentrating. Low testosterone therapy can be administered through injections, oral pills/tablets, patches, or topical gels. Some of the commonly used low-testosterone therapy drugs include AndroGel, Androderm, Testim, Fortesta, Axiron, Striant and Testopel to mention a few.

What Are The Risks of Low-T Therapy?

Testosterone therapy does help men with low levels of the hormone, but it also comes with the risk of serious and potentially life-threatening health effects such as heart attack, stroke and blood clots. Drug companies that make these types of drugs aggressively market them promising men a better quality of life. It is also common for manufacturers of testosterone replacement drugs to target male consumers with television commercials to air during football games and other shows that are likely to be watched by men.

In reality, testosterone therapy can cause a number of serious health complications for men that might actually outweigh the benefits. A number of men are filing lawsuits against the manufacturers of testosterone products claiming that the manufacturers failed to warn them about the health risks of testosterone therapy.

Who is Affected?

Several studies over the years have pointed out the possible risks for men taking testosterone-enhancing drugs. A recent study published in January 2014 in the PLoS One journal reported that men over the age of 65 and younger men with undiagnosed heart conditions faced double the risk of suffering a heart attack after the first 90 days of treatment. This study, conducted by UCLA and the National Cancer Institute, looked at a large sample of 56,000 patients. However, this study was by no means the first to link Low-T therapy and heart issues. In 2013, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed a similar link. Another study published in the New England Journal of Medicine back in 2010 also showed that older men were more likely to suffer from heart attacks after using testosterone therapy products. Regardless of age or health status, men have reported heart issues after taking this type of therapy.

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