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Do I have a premises liability case?

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Do I have a premises liability case?

Free Case Evaluation - Our full time staff is ready to evaluate your case submission and will respond in a timely manner.

Los Angeles Slip & Fall Attorneys

If you are the victim of a fall on someone else's property, Los Angeles Slip and Fall Attorneys can represent you and ensure that your interests are protected.  Although injuries from falls often go unreported and untreated, it is wise to seek medical treatment immediately and a Los Angeles Premises Liability Attorney can help you recover the costs of doing so.

As a victim, you should not have to bear the burden of medical bills for your accident, so talk to a Los Angeles slip and fall lawyer immediately about your case so you can get the money you need to pay for your medical care and other expenses.

Top 7 Most Common Types of Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere, but there are some accident scenarios that are more common than others.  According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA, common causes of falls are:

  1. Oil, water, soap, and other liquids on walkways
  2. Loose doormats or rugs
  3. Ice, snow, or rain on sidewalks
  4. Dangerous shoes such as flip flops on hazardous terrain
  5. Walkways that are broken or need repair
  6. Very smooth floors or walkways that do not provide traction
  7. Poorly illuminated areas

Slip & Falls Are Common

Although car accidents account for the most personal injury lawsuits, slip and fall accidents are by far the most common type of accident.  The National Safety Council states that falls are most common cause of emergency room treatment, and the Department of Labor estimates that the average fall on the job costs roughly $28,000 to treat.  Since the injuries from these accidents are so expensive and the accidents themselves are so common, it is vital that victims choose experts such as Los Angeles slip and fall lawyers to represent them in collecting damages.

All of us have encountered slipping on an icy or slippery surface and hitting the ground, having to get up embarrassed brushing ourselves off. But not everyone is so lucky.

Many slip and falls can result in serious injury, and many can end up in fatalities. Here are some scary and shocking statistics about slip and fall accidents throughout the United States in a recent years study.

  • Biggest slip and fall risks come from mother nature: rain, snow, ice, unstable foundations and many other factors that can end up in a loss of contact with a sturdy surface beneath your feet.
  • Unintentional falls are the second leading cause of nonfatal injury for 10-24 year-olds.
  • 29% of all worker's compensation claims are slip and fall related.
  • CDC statistics show slip and falls estimate $34 billion in medical costs every year.

The Value of a Slip & Fall Claim

Every case is different and the value of your claim will depend upon many factors including the severity of injuries and amount of medical care you received. An experienced personal injury attorney has years of experience dealing with premise liability cases and can properly evaluate the value of your claim.

When To File Your Claim

Time is of the essence to file a case; waiting too long can affect your ability to bring action against the business owner. The statute of limitations in California is two years unless you are going after a state or federal entity in which case it is reduced to six months from the date of injury.

Seeking Proper Legal Representation

Someone who has suffered a slip and fall or other premise injury should seek a qualified and experienced personal injury lawyer. Hiring a standard civil attorney may not be in your best interest as you will want an attorney highly skilled in injury cases.

Personal injury lawyers do nothing but injury law so they are much more qualified to represent an injury victim. Most personal injury lawyers will not charge a fee unless they win your case. This leaves you with little to worry about and if the case is not won, you don't pay. If you are asked to pay before the case goes forward, be cautious of that request.

If you or a loved one has experienced a slip and fall accident and have suffered a personal injury, call and get a Free Case Evaluation with our team of skilled Los Angeles Slip and Fall Attorneys at 323-238-4683.

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