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Los Angeles Celebrity Tour Bus Accident Lawyer

The experienced Los Angeles celebrity tour bus accident lawyers at Bisnar Chase help preserve the rights of individuals who have been seriously injured in tour bus accidents.

We can help you seek and obtain maximum compensation for your injuries, damages and losses. We fight hard for our clients' rights and ensure that negligent parties are held accountable.

We offer a no-fee guarantee to our clients, which means, we don't charge you anything until you receive compensation for your losses.

Call us at 323-238-4683 for a free consultation and comprehensive case evaluation from experienced personal injury attorneys with trial expertise.

For many who visit Los Angeles, checking out the Hollywood Walk of Fame, celebrity impersonators and tchotchke stores in the area are a must. Also ubiquitous in Hollywood and other parts of the city are the double decker tour buses that take visitors on a tour of celebrity homes and neighborhoods.

These tour bus companies even have free iPhone and Android apps through which you can not only buy tickets for bus tours and get information on where the stops are, but also email postcards of pictures taken during the tour. The hop-on, hop-off double decker buses take tourists through featured routes in Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and downtown Los Angeles. A number of individuals and companies also rent these buses out for private events and parties.

Why These Buses Can Be Dangerous

Recently, in Los Angeles, there have been reports of serious injuries or even fatalities sustained in celebrity tour bus accidents. A Los Angeles woman reported being struck in the face by a tree branch while standing in the open-air upper deck of a Starline bus, which was chartered for a special, private event. The collision broke the women's left eye socket for which she had to have at least two surgeries. Another passenger on that same bus was also struck by tree branches, but suffered only minor injuries.

Prior to this incident, a 16-year-old Manhattan Beach boy was killed when he stood up on a Starline double decker bus and hit his head on an over pass near Inglewood. However, between these two incidents, the tour bus company did not do anything to change safety measures for bus passengers. In both cases, the incidents occurred when passengers stood up on the upper deck.

Other tour buses pose similar dangers to passengers particularly because these bus companies do not issue safety warnings to passengers on the upper deck and don't assign employees to supervise parties on the bus. Also, there are no laws regulating the operation these celebrity tour buses, which leaves safety procedures and protocols entirely to the operators.

Here are some of the most common causes of accidents and injuries that occur on celebrity tour buses:

  • Inexperienced drivers: When drivers who have little to no experience operating double decker buses get behind the wheel, the consequences can be devastating. In some cases, drivers operate the vehicles at a high rate of speed, causing passengers to get thrown around the bus and suffer serious injuries.
  • Dangerous objects: When passengers are on the upper deck of the bus, they could get hit by objects such as tree branches, freeway overpasses and other structures that come in the way. These types of collisions with objects could cause serious injuries or even fatalities.
  • Vehicle defect or malfunction: When buses are not properly maintained, malfunctions could result in crashes or collisions causing serious blunt force trauma to passengers. Bus companies have a legal obligation to regularly maintain their vehicles and routinely inspect brakes, tires and other parts.
  • Impairment or distraction: When drivers operate under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, or when they drive while distracted, they put passengers in grave danger.

What is Your Bus Crash Case Worth?

In a personal injury case, the worth or value of your case depends on the nature and extent of the injuries and losses you have suffered. For example, if you suffered scratches or bruises as the result of getting hit by tree branches, you may still have a claim. But the value of your claim may not be much other than medical expenses.

However, if you have suffered serious head injuries, spinal cord damage, eye injuries or broken bones, the value of your claim will likely be much higher.

Injured victims of celebrity tour bus accidents can seek compensation for damages including medical expenses, lost income, cost of hospitalization, rehabilitative therapy, permanent injuries, disabilities, pain and suffering and mental anguish.

Contacting one of our experienced Tour Bus Accident Attorneys can help you get maximum compensation for your case.

What Steps Can You Take?

If you have been injured in a celebrity tour bus accident, it is important that you take certain steps to protect your legal rights. First, make sure you file a police report and get a copy for your own records. Try to get as much information as possible about the bus company including the name of the driver, his or her license information, insurance company, etc. Also, try to obtain contact information for anyone who may have witnessed the incident. Seek and obtain prompt medical attention, treatment and care for your injuries.

How an Experienced Lawyer Can Help

Contact an experienced Los Angeles bus accident lawyer who will fight for your rights and ensure that the at-fault parties are held liable. At Bisnar Chase, we are passionate about the pursuit of justice for our severely injured clients. We put all our experience, more than 35 years of it, and our resources to work so you can receive fair and full compensation for all your losses. Call us at 323-238-4683 to find out how we can help you.

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