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Do I have a case for my truck accident injury?

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Do I have a case for my truck accident injury?

Free Case Evaluation - Our full time staff is ready to evaluate your case submission and will respond in a timely manner.

Riverside Truck Accident Attorneys

Riverside Truck Accident Lawyers have been representing citizens of Riverside County with a strong and established 96% Success Rate.

Riverside County has significant truck traffic compared to any other city in the Inland Empire. Truck accidents involving tractor-trailers, semi-trucks or other big rigs do not have to occur at high speeds in order to cause catastrophic personal injuries and damages to you and your passengers.

Due to the sheer weight, mass and volume of these big rigs, even a slow-speed accident can result in devastating damage and severe injuries to you and your loved ones as well as damages to your motor vehicle. In the worst possible scenario, wrongful death can come out of these situations.

If you've been injured in an accident involving a semi-truck, contact our award-winningtruck accident attorneys in Riverside, CA now by calling 951-530-3711 for a Free Consultation to discuss your legal rights.

You can also contact us through our online form.

What Can Cause Riverside Truck Accident?

  • Drivers Under the Influence of Drugs and/or Alcohol
  • Weather Conditions
  • Drivers Who Illegally Use Electronic Devices While Driving
  • Vehicle Defects
  • Hazardous Materials on the Road
  • Poor Truck Inspections
  • Driver Exhaustion

Adding to the use of electronic devices, it is important to note that as of January 2017, it is now illegal in to hold your cell phone in your hand while you drive. According to the new California cell phone law, it must be fasten to your car and all actions must be hands free.

Riverside Truck Collision Statistics

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has reported that one year over 4,440 trucks were involved in fatal accidents. The truck and car accident reports in Riverside have stated that incidents involving big rigs have increased over time.

According to big rig crashes had a 9% increase within one year. Of those accidents over 40% of truckers or their passengers did not have seat belts on.

Types of Common Truck Wrecks in Riverside

Riverside truck accidents today can cause a serious of catastrophic injuries. There are various different types of truck accidents that can result in fatal injuries.

Some of the most dangerous types include:

  • Head-on collisions: When fatigued truck drivers let their vehicle drift into oncoming traffic, head-on collisions can occur.
  • Underride accidents: Smaller vehicles often go partially underneath large trailers when collisions occur. A side underride collision is when a vehicle collides with the side of the trailer and a rear underride collision is when a smaller car goes underneath the back of a trailer. These types of accidents often result in catastrophic or fatal injuries.
  • Runaway trailer accidents: This is when the trailer of a truck travels at a different speed than the tractor. In severe cases, the trailer can become completely detached crushing everything in its path.
  • Jackknife accidents: When a trailer swings to one side, it can cause a truck to get stuck on the roadway posing a serious hazard for oncoming vehicles. Jackknife accidents are often caused by improperly loaded trailers.

Injuries Suffered in Riverside Truck Wrecks

A truck accident in Riverside, CA can be fatal. The massive size of trucks makes them capable of crushing smaller vehicles. Many of the most devastating injuries result from high-speed collisions on the highway, but serious injuries can occur even in low-speed collisions. Truck accident victims often incur significant medical expenses as well as hospitalization and rehabilitation costs. They may also lose their income as a result of taking time off to heal from their serious injuries.

Car occupants involved in these accidents often suffer catastrophic injuries including:

  • Multiple Bone Fractures
  • Amputations
  • Neck Injuries
  • Concussions
  • Internal Bleeding
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

It's important to note that as a motorist, you have rights when it comes to these types of accidents and our truck accident attorneys in Riverside can help inform you of your rights as well as to help you seek compensation for your injuries.

What to Do if You Have Been Injured in a Truck Accident in Riverside

If you and your passengers have been involved in a truck accident, it is important to remain calm. The actions of your party after being injured in a truck accident can affect your ability to receive compensation from the at-fault party. After a truck accident, it is important to:

  • Seek medical attention: An important part of the claim process is establishing the extent of your injuries. If you see a doctor that same day, it establishes when you were hurt and documents the severity of your injuries. If you fail to see a doctor right away, the insurance adjuster may claim that you were not truly injured.
  • Collect evidence: You or someone on your behalf will need to gather evidence. Besides license and insurance information, you should collect the name of the trucking company and the Department of Transportation numbers on the truck and the trailer.
  • Locate witnesses: In addition to the contact information for the truck driver, you may want the contact information for anyone who witnessed the crash. You should also take note of any nearby businesses that may have captured the crash on video surveillance cameras.
  • Take photos: If you have a phone that can take photos, immediately photograph the scene of the crash. Take shots of different angles and perspectives. Show the damage to the vehicles and take photos of your injuries to better assist your truck accident attorney in Riverside with your case. It may prove useful to photograph your injuries as they heal as well.

Who is Potentially Responsible for a Riverside Truck Collision?

Truck accident claims are complicated by the fact that there are a number of potentially liable parties. Victims can file a claim against the truck driver, the owner of the truck, the owner of the trailer, the person who leased the truck from the owner or the Riverside truck and equipment company.

An important part of the claim process is determining how the crash occurred and who should be held responsible for the accident. In many cases, it is advisable for the victim to file claims against multiple parties.

Consult A Truck Accident Attorney in Riverside

It is important to remember that the trucking companies have defense attorneys and insurance companies protecting their best interests at all times.

These companies have the potential to have their people at the crash site shortly after the crash, collecting evidence and gathering information that will help protect them against a lawsuit.

It is important that victims get someone on their side who will offer that same protection and peace of mind to them while keeping their best interests at mind. This is our mission at Bisnar Chase.

Bisnar Chase Riverside truck accident attorneys know what it takes to stand up and fight on behalf of our injured clients and win. Our attorneys have more than three decades of experience and during this time our firm has provided:

  • A 96% success rate
  • Over $500 Million won for our clients
  • Serving Riverside since 1978
  • Served over 12,000 clients

Call 951-530-3711 now to set up your Free Consultation and Case Evaluation. If you cannot come to us, we will come to you and you don't pay unless we win.

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