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Do I have a wrongful death case?

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Do I have a wrongful death case?

Free Case Evaluation - Our full time staff is ready to evaluate your case submission and will respond in a timely manner.

Orange County Wrongful Death Lawyers

Devastation. Grief. Anger. These are all emotions that can accompany the untimely passing of a loved one. At Bisnar Chase, we can provide you with an experienced Orange County Wrongful Death Lawyers to reduce the burden and stress after such a tragedy.

What if your beloved spouse or relatives death could have been prevented? What if it was caused by a negligent property owner, employer, or through the wrongful actions of another?

The highly skilled and experienced wrongful death lawyers at Bisnar Chase can provide answers to your questions. For immediate assistance call 949-203-3814.

Orange County Wrongful death can occur from many circumstances, including:

  • Defective products
  • Poisoning
  • Assault
  • Car and truck accidents
  • Slip and fall injuries
  • Accidents in the workplace and other mishaps
John Bisnar discusses types of wrongful death claims and related information

Some of Our Recent Victories in Orange County

  • $16,444,904 - Dangerous road condition, driver negligence
  • $10,030,000 - Premises negligence
  • $9,800,000 - Motor vehicle accident
  • $8,500,000 - Motor vehicle accident - wrongful death
  • $7,998,073 - Product liability - motor vehicle accident
  • $5,000,000 - Auto Defect
  • $4,250,000 - Product Liability

Mourning Makes Us Human

The family at Bisnar Chase are caring and respectful people who are always just a phone-call away. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, we understand that this is a tremendously difficult time in your life.

When it seems that nothing will give you back what you had and it feels like the world is coming to an end, remember tomorrow is a brand new day and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

There are typically 5 key emotional stages we go must experience as human beings when mourning the loss of a loved one, friend and or family member.

Completing the process of mourning is important to us as individuals to acquire the strength to continue moving forward in our own lives. These stages include:

  • Denial - The gravity of the situation hasn't hit and does not feel like it is reality
  • Anger - When reality begins to set in but you're not ready to accept it
  • Bargaining - Feelings of helplessness and vulnerability is often a need to regain control
  • Depression - Relating to the loss and preparing for acceptance
  • Acceptance - Understanding that reality is what it is and having the ability to move on in life

If the circumstances of your loved one's death resemble any of the previous scenarios, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit as a surviving relative of the deceased.

Contact our Orange County wrongful death lawyers to see if you have a wrongful death case. Depending on circumstances you may be entitled to pain, suffering and loss.

Call 949-203-3814 for a Free Consultation.

Orange County Wrongful Death Cases

The thought of a legal battle can seem daunting, frightening or burdensome. But it's the responsibility of survivors to challenge and fight back against negligent individuals or companies who cause death.

Filing, fighting and winning a wrongful death lawsuit can send a powerful message and force negligent parties not only to pay for their actions, but to better protect others in the future.

Call us to speak with one of our Orange County wrongful death lawyers today.

If you can prove in court that the party responsible for the decedent's safety caused their wrongful death, you could be eligible to collect compensation not only for the loss of your family member and its emotional toll, but for the loss of the family member's future contribution to household finances.

Experienced Orange County Legal Support

Every wrongful death lawsuit is different, and every case has its own set of unique circumstances and legal challenges.

As the family member of a loved one who fell victim to wrongful death, you'll need competent, discreet and compassionate legal counsel at your side as you seek justice.

The Orange County wrongful death Lawyers at Bisnar Chase have been helping victims of wrongful death since 1978. Their offices have the resources you need to not only fight a wrongful death lawsuit, but to win it.

The experienced lawyers at Bisnar Chase is not just here to win your case, but to offer our services on an emotional and supportive level as well.

Our caring team of educated lawyers understand the pain of losing someone you love and were not ready to say goodbye to.

Call us to speak with an lawyer or intake specialist immediately about any questions or concerns you may have about your case, at 949-203-3814.

Don't suffer through the grief of wrongful death alone. Do it with the help of an experienced wrongful death attorney who can help you find closure - and justice.

Contact the Orange County wrongful death attorneys Bisnar Chase today for more information on whether you might have a valid wrongful death claim - your Free Consultation is no-obligation and completely confidential.

The team of attorneys at Bisnar Chase has over 40 years of experience and a 96% success rate.The skilled and experienced Orange County Wrongful Death Attorneys at Bisnar Chase have won over $500 Million for our clients and may be able to help you and your loved ones too.

Call us for immediate assistance at 949-203-3814 for a free, no-hassle, confidential, no-obligation wrongful death lawyer consultation in Orange County.

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