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Do I have a case for my personal injury?

Free Case Evaluation - Our full time staff is ready to evaluate your case submission and will respond in a timely manner.

Bisnar Chase in Oxnard - The Skill and Experience to Negotiate a Settlement

If you ever have the misfortune of getting into a car accident in Oxnard, California, you'll quickly discover how insurance companies really work. Especially when it comes to settling claims. This is unfamiliar ground for most people and fraught with traps that can leave you grossly under-compensated for your damages and injuries. All the more reason why Oxnard accident attorenys urge those who have been injured in a car accident to consult an experienced lawyer.

An Insurance Adjuster Will Call You

If your car accident was not your fault and you were injured, you'll be contacted by an insurance adjuster. These people may look like they're working for you, but their overriding goal is to serve their employer (the insurance company). Which means they'll want to settle your claim fast and cheap. Unfortunately, may accident victims, anxious to get their insurance check, will sign release forms and other documents--making it almost impossible to get any more money from the insurance company. An Oxnard accident injury lawyer familiar with adjusters' techniques will warn against signing these releases without at least consulting a lawyer.

Negotiating a Fair Settlement Starts with Five Questions

If at all possible, you should hold off signing release forms and negotiate for a higher settlement amount. And before negotiating for more, you'll need to answer five important questions. What is your settlement bottom line? What is your settlement goal? What evidence do you have for your claim? What have similar claims generally resolved for? And what are your alternatives if you don't settle? These questions may not be easy to answer, but the answers will give you a solid footing when it comes time to facing skilled insurance company negotiators and adjusters.

And Three Options

Eager to settle, insurance company negotiators will make you an offer--by phone, letter or a check. You can respond one of three ways: Accept their offer, reject the offer, or make a counter offer. Experienced Oxnard car collision lawyers who know how insurance companies operate, will tell you that adjusters will usually make you an offer that's pennies on the dollar--far lower that what you're really entitled. The best lawyers will advise you to reject this initial offer and negotiate for more.

So How Does One Arrive at a Fair Settlement?

The most skilled lawyers realize that there are hundreds of variables that can affect a "fair settlement." This is why it's so important to consult an experienced car collision lawyer. Someone who can help you sidestep the costly mistakes many accident victims routinely make when dealing with insurance companies. The best Oxnard car crash lawyers offer free and confidential consultations about settlements and negotiating.

Find more tips by reading "The Seven Fatal Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Personal Injury Claim" by California personal injury attorney John Bisnar. Please contact our California car accident lawyers at 949-203-3814 to receive your free consultation.

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