Fresno Auto Defect Lawyers
Automobile accidents are one of the top causes of injury and death in the United States. A growing problem has been auto accidents due to some defect in the automobile itself.
If you or someone you love has been involved in an auto accident and you believe it was caused by some defect in the vehicle you may have a strong legal case and may be entitled to significant financial damages. A Fresno auto defect lawyer may be able to help you recover monetary damages due to you because of your accident.
The law office of BISNAR CHASE has years of experience settling auto defect lawsuits for Fresno victims. Our Fresno auto defect lawyers are available to speak with potential clients in a free consult to determine the particulars surrounding your case.
Every Auto Defect Accident Is Different
Because every car accident related to a defective part is different, it is vital to contact an experienced Fresno auto defect attorney who is aware of the nuances surrounding the maker of the vehicle and the laws that protect you. Every defective car case consists of potentially hundreds of elements which need to be carefully investigated by an experienced and professional attorney at our firm. Auto defect cases are notoriously difficult to prove, which makes your choice of attorney even more important.
What Constitutes a Lawsuit When an Accident is Caused by a Defective Auto Part?
Some failure in the automobile, whether it is the breaking of a poorly made auto part, or a failure in the design of the entire vehicle itself, must have led to the injury or death for an auto defect lawsuit to be filed. Many recent lawsuits have involved rollover issues in Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs), pickups, and other large automobiles. These lawsuits allege that the design of the auto itself resulted in the unsafe conditions and subsequent accidents that occurred. Our Fresno auto defect attorneys are all qualified in the potential nuances of your case and will investigate any accident thoroughly and quickly.
Many other auto defect cases revolve around parts including car seats that can fail and lead to serious injuries. Air bags, faulty tailgates and rear latches, engine problems, and poor brake or wheel design are all examples of potential defective automobile parts that could lead to serious accidents. Our Fresno auto defect attorney will brief clients before beginning work on their case and investigate every possible cause of the accident itself.
There is a Statute of Limitations for Auto Defect Lawsuits
A Fresno defective auto lawsuit must be filed in a timely manner as there are time limits to every legal claim. Damages can be sought in order to pay for medical bills, property loss, mental distress, pain and suffering, loss of employment and more. Our lawyers will also attempt to recover the maximum amount of monetary compensation which is legally owed to you by your insurance agency as well.
Brian Chase, partner at Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys has been one of the leading Product Liability Trial Lawyers for more than a decade and has received many awards because of his dilligence and passion.
Our Fresno defective auto attorneys handle auto defect cases on a contingent basis meaning we only get paid if we win your case. There is never any obligation on your part as a consumer of our services. The law offices of BISNAR CHASE have a long history of successfully settling hundreds of auto defect cases. We are here for you, contact us today.