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Do I have a case for my dog bite injury?

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Do I have a case for my dog bite injury?

Free Case Evaluation - Our full time staff is ready to evaluate your case submission and will respond in a timely manner.

Mastiff Dog Breeds

Mastiff: Ever see someone walking a really big dog, but you double-take because it closely resembles a bear? It was most likely a Mastiff of some kind.

Mastiffs today are much different than they were years ago, with ancestors, the Molossus, as old as 5,000 years old, and although related, varied in size and overall structure.

While these beastly-dogs look like they could swallow a small child whole, Mastiff breeds are known for their companionship, loyalty, dedication and need for attention and affection.

These lovable giants are hard to neglect of a hug, petting session or some good old fashioned roughhousing, but beware, their sheer dominating size, power and strength makes them one of the deadliest dogs in the world.

Just because a dog has not had an aggressive history does not mean that you should run up to them and smother them with affection; that is the best way to get a warning bite to the cheek, or engage in a physical altercation of any type:

  • Barking or growling that leads to a physical confrontation which includes but is not limited to:
    • Heavy nudging
    • From snipping, to test bites, increasing progressively or rapidly
    • Grabbing limb (arm, wrist, ankle, leg, etc.) with teeth and not letting go
    • Any excessive force involving teeth, claws or body weight

10 Must-Do's: Mastiff Dog Attacks

Do you know how to stay alive when face to face with an aggressive dog? What about a dog that weighs twice your weight? The skilled and experienced dog bite attorneys of Bisnar Chase have represented many victims of dog bite cases, and we want to give you the opportunity to have any questions you may have answered as soon as possible.

Here are 10 short easy-to-remember tips to stay alive during an encounter with a hostile dog:

  1. Don't Make Eye Contact: Making eye contact is a way of challenging an animal
  2. No Sudden Movements: This is the best way to provoke a dog attack, next to challenging an animal with eye contact or excessive teeth showing (smiling, grinning, yelling, etc.)
  3. Don't Turn Your Back to Any Dog: People who see a scary looking dog
  4. Don't Run Away from a Dog: Running away from a dog can make the dog think:
    • You are playing, resulting in the dog chasing you
    • You are afraid/weak, resulting in the dog attacking
  5. Look as Large as Possible: When you stand tall, wave your arms, kick your legs and jump around, it makes you appear larger and more exciting than if you were sitting down, standing still or "looking small." Looking the largest that you can will increase your chances of the dog not wanting to advance and attack
  6. Be as Loud as Possible: Being loud just adds to the overall display of "dog, you do not want to mess with me"
  7. Protect Fragile Body Parts: If the attack has begun and biting is now the primary issue, do your best to not only fight back when possible, but make sure that you protect vital body parts:
    • Neck, throat and nearby areas
    • Eyes, ears and face
    • Groin/fatty part of inside thigh (high-risk of arterial bleeding)
  8. Call for Help: Part of your yelling can consist of calls for help. Attracting people nearby could lead to your rescue. Someone may be able to distract or injure the dog, giving you a chance to flee to safety, giving you an opportunity to call for animal control if necessary
  9. Seek Medical Attention: A must for any dog bite is immediately seeking medical attention. The risk of disease, infection and more is too high. There is also an added benefit of documenting your injuries in association to the dog bite incident
  10. Contact a Skilled and experienced Dog Bite Lawyer: Call us for your free consultation and Case Evaluation at 800-561-4887

Have you been attacked or injured by a Mastiff or other dog breed? Don't know what to do? Call the skilled and experienced Dog Bite Attorneys of Bisnar Chase for yourfree Consultation and Case Evaluation at 800-561-4887.

Even if you just need guidance on next steps, give us a call. We are here to help.

The Mastiff is as unique a dog, as it is powerful, intelligent and loyal. There are Mastiff-like dogs dating as far back as 2500 BC.

Early human beings would work with these dogs, allowing them to move many items, heavy items, as well as for transporting goods and protection.

Mastiff dogs are also thought to have actually preyed on lions near the Tigris River. The Mongol emperor Kublai Khan was known to have a kennel with 5,000 Mastiffs, in which were used for hunting and war.

In 1879, the first Mastiff Club was formed, and the AKC finally acknowledged the Mastiff as an official dog breed of the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1885 - a Mastiff by the name of "Bayard," was the first Mastiff to be registered in the United States.

Currently, the Mastiff Club of America, formed in the year of 1929, still maintains and protects the breed, even 80 years later.

The Mastiff breed is ranked 32nd out of 155 breeds, recognized by the AKC.

If you have been attacked or experienced a dog bite from a Mastiff or other dog breed, you are always urged to seek medical attention immediately and to contact a team of skilled and highly experienced Dog Bite Lawyers.

Call us for a free consultation at 800-561-4887.

What Reputation Do Mastiffs Have?

Mastiff breeds may be the type of breed where you ask the owner, "What kind of dog is that?" Because they are not as mainstream or as popular as:

When we look at dogs walking down the street or playing at the park, what are the things that immediately come to mind?

  • Chihuahua: Ankle biter & yapper
  • PitBull: Blood-thirsty man-killer
  • Golden Retriever: Loving & loyal family companion
  • Rottweilers & Doberman Pinschers: Security & "gangdogs"

But what about Mastiff breeds? These large, powerful and uniquely structured dogs, both physically and mentally, are very sophisticated and have a strong sense of loyalty and self-confidence.

Like most large dog breeds, Mastiffs are a breed that attract a lot of negative and positive energy collectively. Meaning, Mastiffs can be very beautiful, a rich and luxurious coat, but have the high chance of drawing those who fear them for their presence alone.

Many people are very uncomfortable around dogs in general, not to mention a powerful dog with such large and deadly features:

  • Strong Muscles
  • Fast/High Agility
  • Strong-Willed
  • Highly Confident
  • Territorial

But these dogs have a propensity to be lovers, dedicated to their owner/handler/family. Like Akitas, their loyalty goes beyond the moon. There was a story of an Akita in China that walked to the train station every day by himself to meet his handler with a wagging tail and smiling pup. One day the owner passed away, and for the remainder of that Akita's life, he continued and walked to the train station every day, until he too, passed.

Loyalty, companionship, pride and confidence are a few keywords to remember Mastiffs by.

Temperament of a Mastiff

While these large and powerful dogs scare many people, the temperament of the animal always ranges. You can never say, that a particular breed as a whole contain the same relative behavioral and mental patterns.

Popular to criticism and controversial matters, nurture plays a heavy role in the overall temperament of any dog, in this case, the Mastiff breeds.

Often times, Mastiff's that grow into an adult, filled with lots of over-excitement, confusion, territory misunderstanding,"doggy etiquette and so on, are the types that show signs of aggression and hostility early and or later in life.

Ever hear someone say that, "I can't believe their dog bit someone, their dog has never bitten someone before!"

If you have experienced an aggressive Mastiff or other dog breed, and have been injured or severely traumatized, seek medical attention as soon as possible and follow up with a free consultation with one of our skilled Dog Bite Lawyers. Call 800-561-4887.

Owning a Mastiff

Owning a dog in general is a time consuming task, financial obligation and obligation on your part to give that pup love, affection and a healthy life. Not to mention veterinarian bills can be substantial if your pooch gets sick, injured or displays cases of unnatural behavior.

Owning one of these hulk puppies is no easy task at all.

  • Expensive: Large breeds, especially Mastiffs, can eat up to 2 pounds of food per meal. That's about 4-5 pounds of food per day - per year that comes out to over 1,600lbs of food, which depending on the quality of the food, could end up being considerably expensive.
  • Time Consuming: Mastiffs need attention, affection, training and one on one time. If Mastiffs are neglected of personal communication and playtime, they could become aggressive, territorial and just plain cranky.
  • High-Maintenance: When you find out how much these Mastiffs cost, the high-maintenance aspect of this breed shouldn't surprise you. Consistent bathing, hygiene, grooming and avoiding low-quality foods, shampoos/conditions/soaps, and ensuring your Mastiff gets the best, highest-quality love a pup can get. As their parent and one they count on, it's your obligation.
  • Professional Training: There is plenty of alternative to professional training - YouTube, online/paperback books and manuals, but when dealing with such a large breed who can become potentially deadly if not properly cared and treated for, it may be worth your while to invest in some top-shelf professional training from either a private trainer or Pet Care store. Doing so could save you time, money and a future lawsuit if your Mastiff becomes rebellious.

Are Mastiff Breeds More Aggressive Than Other Breeds?

Dogs of all sizes come with many different personalities. Without understanding the temperament of each breed individually, it would be impossible to accurately describe the similarities and differences between dogs of size, vs dogs with aggressive history, vs dogs with heavy weights, etc.

Even though Mastiffs are dogs more likely to attack or cause serious injuries/death, that isn't to say that a breed of significantly smaller size and weight, couldn't be more aggressive. Size doesn't matter because the proof is in the pudding.

Here are some possible factors of why a dog suddenly decides to charge, attack, challenge or bite:

  • Territorial
  • Feeling Threatened
  • Confusion
  • Fear
  • Over-Excitement
  • Abuse/Neglect
  • Being a Stray

Medical Attention After a Mastiff Dog Bite

After getting bitten or attacked by a dog or Mastiff, make sure you do the following:

  • Make sure your environment is safe to call for help (do your best to not endanger others)
  • Give as much information about your attack experience as possible
  • Be honest and do not downplay anything
  • Listen to your doctor/health care provider
  • Treat as directed
  • Document everything, especially throughout your treatments
  • Follow up with a skilled Dog Bite Lawyer

Often times, when a dog bite victim is attacked by a Mastiff or any other type of dog, if injuries are not serious, the victim may walk away from the situation without filing a police report, seeking medical attention or anything at all. This is a problem for many reasons.

  1. Future Legal Action: If for any reason you wish to pursue legal action against the dog and their owner, it may be too difficult to prove:
    • The dog bite incident ever took place
    • Your injuries are the result of the dog bite incident ONLY
    • You may not know how to contact the dog's owner
  2. Infection and Disease: Contracting a bacterial infection or disease like Rabies is a very serious and highly-possible outcome if medical attention was not administered immediately following the dog bite incident. According to the Control Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rabies is a virus, that primarily infects your central nervous system, causing a very bad disease in the brain, which leads to death.
  3. Documentation: When you report a dog bite or attack, it is recorded in the annual database for dog bite statistics. These statistics are very beneficial and can help many. Receiving medical attention also allows you to properly document your dog bite injuries in association to the dog bite incident.

How To Document Your Mastiff Dog Bite Injuries

A dog bite experience can most always be overwhelming and traumatizing, but staying focused on getting the information you need to win your case is your motivation.

Don't get stuck with paying medical bills for the injuries inflicted during your dog attack experience. Our team of dog bite attorneys at Bisnar Chase are here to help you in this difficult and often confusing time of your life. Here are some tips for you to stay mindful of when gathering information for your dog bite case:

  • If you find yourself in the event that you are face to face with an aggressive dog that has an aggravated interest in you, refer to 10 Tips to Survive a Dog Attack
  • Seek medical attention immediately following the dog bite incident, as soon as the area is safe. Call 911 or ask someone to do so for you
  • Take or have pictures/videos taken of the dogs involved, injuries, location the dog attack took place, etc.
  • Any evidence is good evidence. Anything that had anything to do with the experience
  • Gather a list of names and contact information of anyone who witnessed the dog attack

Your primary focus should be the health and safety of you and those around you. During a dog bite or animal attack, it is common for bystanders to become suddenly involved even though the original focus was on a different victim.

Aggressive dogs can either prey on a victim for a long period of time, or bounce from house to house, looking for unsuspecting people and animals to attack.

Once your injuries are taken care of, give the trusted and skilled dog bite attorneys of Bisnar Chase a call to represent you and win your case too.

Have questions? Call 800-561-4887 for your free consultation and case evaluation.

How To Win Your Dog Attack Case

Dog bite or Mastiff attack cases can become complex and difficult to win, if the proper preparations and organization is not taken care of. Here are some examples of crucial information you will want to make sure you have, to give you the best chances of winning your case and receiving maximum compensation:

  • Documented Medical Information
  • Police Report
  • Photos/Video (where the incident took place, injuries, those involved, etc.)
  • Any Evidence
  • Eye-witnesses Accounts

Be organized and prepared: have a statement identifying the date, time, location, those involved, summary of what happened and any other information your lawyer identifies is an important piece of information for your case.

We Will Win or You Don't Pay

Have you or a loved one experienced a Mastiff attack or bite? If so, you could be entitled to compensation, medical costs and other financial obligations to be covered. Just call 800-561-4887 for your free consultation and case evaluation with one of our skilled Dog Bite Lawyers.

Our team of legal professionals and experienced Dog Bite Attorneys have been representing, fighting and winning dog bite cases for over 40 years. With over $500 Million won, we have established an impressive 96% success rate and would like the opportunity to represent your case.

If you are concerned about the cost of our representation, know this - if we don't win, you don't pay. All costs are discussed in the beginning and you will not be surprised with any hidden fees or costs.

If you have financial obligations you need taken care of now, we are happy to help you in any ways we can. Discuss your case with us at no charge or strings attached, just call 800-561-4887.

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