California Motor Vehicle Code 22400
Minimum Speed Laws
Most drivers are used to adjusting their speeds to go slower and not exceed maximum speed limits to avoid fines. Yet, drivers must also be aware of minimum speed limits and where it is not appropriate to drive excessively slow unless doing so can not be avoided.
Vehicle code 22400 explains that no driver is permitted to drive on a highway at such a slow speed as to become a block or impediment to the normal and reasonable flow of traffic, unless the speed limit has been reduced by signs posted in compliance with the law. It is important for drivers to not block quick-moving traffic, as this is a hazard which can cause collisions.
Further, no vehicle is allowed to be completely stopped on a highway, as this is also a serious danger to quick-moving traffic. The only time drivers are permitted to stop is if it is in compliance with the law, perhaps shown by signs posted or traffic guards. Occasionally a vehicle may breakdown on the highway, and the driver must carefully figure out that fastest way to remove the vehicle from blocking the movement of traffic.
The Department of Transportation may declare a minimum speed limit on certain highways, which no driver is permitted to drive below. This is done on the basis of engineering and traffic surveys which explain areas on highways that become hazardous when drivers impede the normal traffic flow by moving too slowly.
The best way to drive safely on any highway is to stay as close to the posted speed limit as is safely possible. Taking notice to not exceed or excessively underachieve the speed limit allows for a comfortable and reasonably paced traffic flow.