California Motor Vehicle Code 21651
Driving on Divided Highways
California vehicle code 21651 explains the division of roads into lanes and opposing flows of traffic.
When roads have multiple lanes and two-way traffic, drivers are required to be on the right side of the road. Dividers may split the road into two or more sections by barrier markings, curbs, double-parallel lines, or other markings. When barriers are present, drivers are not allowed to cross the divider.
Not crossing the divider includes to make a left or U-turn on the divided highway unless the barrier has an opening which is designated for making turns. If making U-turn the driver must continue with the flow of traffic on what is now his right side of the road.
Any driver who crosses a barrier divider to drive on the opposite, wrong, left side of the road may be punished by imprisonment if it injures or causes the death of any person.
Drivers must know to drive with the flow of traffic and not against, and to stay to the right. Using common sense and staying in an appropriate state to drive by not being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, can help drivers make safe decisions and stay on the right side of the road.